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印傭入廚手記 家常老火湯(第五版)
Synopsis:老火湯滋潤、解燥、祛濕、消暑,強健體魄,但家傭懂得選配材料嗎?此湯譜由資深烹飪專家Feliz Chan撰寫,分享多款受歡迎的老火湯水,以精簡的文字及步驟圖片,為家傭講解湯水的療效、烹調竅門及處理方法。此外,她更巧妙地用湯料燜煮菜式,一湯一餸,必成為餐桌上的美食主角。書內詳細介紹各式材料及廚櫃常備的湯料,更附廣東話拼音,方便家傭購買時容易掌握。此書內容豐富,必成為家傭的入廚手冊。
Language:Traditional Chinese
Author:Feliz Chan
Profile:Established in May, 2008, Forms Publications (HK) Co. Ltd. is one of the members of Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Co. Ltd. "Forms" originates literally from the saying "Circular Heaven and Squarely Earth", representing a traditional Chinese perspective of the Universe, which symbolizes that everything on earth will be ever-lasting and never-ending. With such naming, we aim at publishing quality lifestyle books with unlimited creativity for general readers. The imprints under Forms Publications (HK) Co. Ltd. are "Forms Publishing", "Forms Kitchen", "Cognizance Publishing", "Puxian" and "Sun Ya Elite Education". "Forms Publishing" specializes in publishing Chinese astrology books with a mission of "eradicating superstitions and emphasizing on wisdom in life", in an attempt to explore a new horizon of the great learning of Chinese Astrology. "Forms Kitchen" publishes different series of cookbooks and all sorts of excellently produced titles of cuisine and related nature. "Cognizance Publishing" serves the publication of two types of publications: one is popular literature while the other comprising lifestyle knowledge, culture, celebrities and trends of city life. Our goal is to provide leisure readings for the general public and to convey knowledge to improve quality of life. Last but not least, "Sun Ya Elite Education” focuses on publishing quality supplementary exercise books and English learners for elementary school students and serves as a more creative medium of learning for them. We sincerely wish "Forms Publications (HK) Co. Ltd." will grow into a robust organization to serve our readers and will develop as an excellent publisher with diversified strengths and reputation being publicly recognized.
Country:Hong Kong

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