Politically Correct 4
内容简介:聞說香港競爭力大減,幸好強國崛起,蒙鄰國寵幸,香港人上上下下才有飯可吃。甚麼高度自治,自由民主,中國人以農立國,還不及一碗飯實際。當街便溺、有失儀態、自然情有可原。香江才子陶傑的最新英文小品,絕對「陶式政治正確」。跟隨陶傑以文字泛舟,面對荒謬的天下大事,何須動怒?在江流上嬉笑怒罵,一片冰心,自然能望穿俗流。中港矛盾從何而來?加拿大如何向Chinada 說不?本書集結陶傑由一二年至一四年的英文專欄文章,濃縮成在全球化與多元文化主義氾濫之下,你絕不能錯過的精華。
作者:陶傑 Chip Tsao
作者背景:Chip Tsao is a columnist and broadcaster in Hong Kong. He gained a bachelor degree in English from Warwick University, UK and a postgraduate diploma from London School of Economics and Political Science. He was a producer of BBC World Service during the Cold War, and deputy editor of Eastern Express during the last colonial years in Hong Kong when Lord Chris Patten graciously ruled. He considers himself a global citizen.