版權交易專區 > 書本資料
Chinese Treasures
內容簡介:The Palace Museum, the Forbidden City, has a comprehensive collection of the world’s largest treasury of ancient Chinese art. The Museum is an abundant resource for anyone who is interested in Chinese painting, ceramic ware, jade ware, calligraphy, furniture, and other valuable treasures.
作者:Chen Lihua (陳麗華), Liu Yue (劉岳)
作者背景:SHAN JIXIANG was born in Beijing in 1954. He received his doctorate degree in Urban Planning and Design from the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, and studied in Japan from 1980 to 1984. After his return to China, Dr. Shan held several posts such as deputy director of Beijing Municipal Administration of City Planning, director of Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, director of Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, and director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. Since January of 2002, Dr. Shan has taken up positions of director of the Palace Museum, researcher of the Palace Museum, director of China Cultural Relics Academy, and vice chairman of China Building Decoration Association.
出版商背景:商務印書館致力耕耘文化,推動教育,培育視野,圖書出版秉持昌明教育的傳統,以大教育為重心,順應時代,不斷開啟新篇章。出版事業涵蓋多個領域,包括語言學習、歷史文化、社會科學、醫藥保健、心理健康、工商法律等,其中尤以中英文語言辭書、歷史文化藝術畫冊影響最為廣泛。 緊密配合閱讀需要,編纂出版了適合學校、家庭和辦公室多方面需要的優質語言學習工具,並已成為多個系列,奠定了語文學習教育的新典範。

