Crime, Justice and Punishment in Colonial Hong Kong: Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Gaol
內容簡介:Standing close together in a compound on a hillside above Victoria Harbour, the Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Gaol were a bastion of British colonial power, a symbol of security, law and punishment. This walled city in the heart of Hong Kong’s Central District is now restored as a heritage and arts centre known as Tai Kwun. This richly illustrated book draws on a wealth of sources to offer a vivid account of those three institutions from 1841 to the late 20th century.
作者:May Holdsworth and Christopher Munn
作者背景:May Holdsworth’s previous books include Foreign Devils: Expatriates in Hong Kong, and The Palace of Established Happiness: Restoring a Garden in the Forbidden City. Christopher Munn is the author of Anglo-China: Chinese People and British Rule in Hong Kong, 1841–1880. May Holdsworth and Christopher Munn are also co-editors of the Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography.