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Comfort Women Activism: Critical Voices from the Perpetrator State
內容簡介:Comfort Women Activism follows the movement championed by pioneer activists in Japan to demonstrate how their activism has kept a critical interpretation of the atrocities against women committed before and during World War II alive. The book shows how the challenges faced by the activists have evolved from the beginning of their uphill battles all the way to contemporary times.
作者:Eika Tai
作者背景:Eika Tai is a professor at North Carolina State University. Her works on multiethnic Japan and colonial Taiwan have appeared in Social Identities, Museum Anthropology, and Journal of Japanese Studies.
出版商背景:Hong Kong University Press publishes 74+ titles annually in English and Chinese, focusing on topics important to Hong Kong, Greater China, and Asia. They excel in various disciplines, including law, medicine, social work, film and media studies, literary studies, politics, economics, education, Chinese history and culture, and language and linguistics. The Press aims to promote top-tier scholarship and enhance understanding of greater China and Asia.


地址:Hong Kong University Press, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
聯絡人:Felix Cheung