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Painting Myanmar’s Transition
內容簡介:In Painting Myanmar’s Transition, Ian Holliday and Aung Kaung Myat showcase work produced by local artists during a period of significant reform. In the 2010s, Myanmar moved away from half a century of rigid military rule and a wave of liberalization spread across the country. Artists eagerly embraced the new freedoms and, in so doing, captured their nation at a time of considerable fluidity. This book presents paintings by, and concise companion interviews with, eighty artists.
作者:Edited by Ian Holliday and Aung Kaung Myat
作者背景:Ian Holliday is Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) at the University of Hong Kong. He is the author of Burma Redux: Global Justice and the Quest for Political Reform in Myanmar (2011), co-author with Roman David of Liberalism and Democracy in Myanmar (2018), and co-editor with Adam Simpson and Nicholas Farrelly of Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Myanmar (2018). Aung Kaung Myat is a research postgraduate student in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Hong Kong.
出版商背景:Hong Kong University Press publishes 74+ titles annually in English and Chinese, focusing on topics important to Hong Kong, Greater China, and Asia. They excel in various disciplines, including law, medicine, social work, film and media studies, literary studies, politics, economics, education, Chinese history and culture, and language and linguistics. The Press aims to promote top-tier scholarship and enhance understanding of greater China and Asia.


地址:Hong Kong University Press, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
聯絡人:Felix Cheung