版權交易專區 > 書本資料
Adrift in Time 時間的漫遊:
內容簡介:此展覽目錄為秦偉 1980-1990 年代於法國的藝術創作之結集,圖片記載著作者對過去及已流逝的時間的回溯,具有文本價值。透過這趟旅程,秦偉深悟人生乃在宿命與偶遇之間,頓感中國古代詩人飄泊孤寂之感。他遊走於文化之都 ― 巴黎,穿梭於街巷、博物館、美術館和跳蚤市場,浪遊於浩瀚的記憶和時間的長河。
作者:Chun Wai 秦偉; Foreword by Florian Knothe 羅諾德
作者背景:Chun Wai is an independent artist. Born in Hong Kong and educated in France, he worked in journalism before he became a full-time photographer and curator.Florian Knothe is an Associate Professor and director of the University Museum at HKU. He works on early modern European, Chinese and cross-cultural art.秦偉是一位獨立藝術家。 他出生於香港,在法國接受教育,成為全職攝影師和策展人之前曾從事新聞工作。羅諾德是香港大學副教授兼大學博物館館長。 他致力於早期現代歐洲、中國和跨文化藝術研究。
出版商背景:Hong Kong University Press publishes 74+ titles annually in English and Chinese, focusing on topics important to Hong Kong, Greater China, and Asia. They excel in various disciplines, including law, medicine, social work, film and media studies, literary studies, politics, economics, education, Chinese history and culture, and language and linguistics. The Press aims to promote top-tier scholarship and enhance understanding of greater China and Asia.


地址:Hong Kong University Press, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
聯絡人:Felix Cheung