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誰在地下呼吸? Who Is Breathing Underground (STEMAZINE)
內容簡介:於2019年7月創刊,STEMAZINE 為一本專為小朋友而設的兒童STEM雙語刊物,適合8-12歲充滿好奇心的小朋友。每期STEMAZINE收錄於MI STEM學習盒內,連同當月STEM主題科學玩具一併寄出,滿足「實踐」、「求知」和「創意」三大元素!
作者:Magazines International
作者背景:I am Magazines International
出版商背景:Established since 2005, Magazines International (Asia) Limited is one of the pioneer in offer one-stop subscription services in Asia. Over the years, the company is proud to represent renowned international titles including TIME, National Geographic, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Economist, Reader's Digest, CNN interactive magazines to name a few. Besides magazines subscription, the company offers a variety of educational products such as e-learning, kids bookset and STEM products.


電話:3628 6335
地址:Hong Kong
聯絡人:Carmen Lau