From A Cottager's Sketchbook, Vol.1
Synopsis:This collection of occasional essays is brimming with elegance and charm. With the keen eyes of an artist, the author turns homely things into interesting subjects, produces curious vignettes from the panorama of society and reflects on the deeper meanings of life. His unique sense of humor enlivens the seemingly ordinary topics.《雅舍小品》一如其名——雅逸雋永,親切率真。閱讀梁實秋的散文,恰如先生閒坐雅舍,笑談家中草木,點染社會百態,省思人生哲理;惟其尋常,也惟其可品味 。
Language:Multi Language
Author:Liang Shih-chiu‧Chen Ta-tsun (tra.)