Politically Correct 2
Synopsis:「政正係理」(Politically Correct)是陶傑的英文小品結集,第一集出版後即備受關注,供不應求,預告了第二集有必要迅速登場。 泰戈爾曾有「右手持劍,左手拈花」之句,余光中也自稱「右手寫詩,左手為文」,陶傑的中文,散文秀麗淵雅,評論尖刻詼諧,已經兼而有之;英文小品也寫得機妙風趣,令人捧腹而稱賞,中英兼擅,左右開弓,觀乎香港文壇,得到讀者一致認同,捨其誰也。
Author:陶傑 Chip Tsao
Author Biography:Chip Tsao is a columnist and broadcaster in Hong Kong. He gained a bachelor degree in English from Warwick University, UK and a postgraduate diploma from London School of Economics and Political Science. He was a producer of BBC World Service during the Cold War, and deputy editor of Eastern Express during the last colonial years in Hong Kong when Lord Chris Patten graciously ruled. He considers himself a global citizen.