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Queering Chinese Kinship
Synopsis:Offering five case studies of queer representations across a range of media genres, this book also challenges the tendency in current scholarship on Chinese and East Asian queerness to understand queer cultures as predominantly counter-mainstream, marginal, and underground. Shedding light on the representations of queerness and kinship in independent and subcultural as well as commercial and popular cultural products...
Author:Lin Song
Author Biography:Lin Song is a lecturer in the School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University in Guangzhou, China.
Profile:Hong Kong University Press publishes 74+ titles annually in English and Chinese, focusing on topics important to Hong Kong, Greater China, and Asia. They excel in various disciplines, including law, medicine, social work, film and media studies, literary studies, politics, economics, education, Chinese history and culture, and language and linguistics. The Press aims to promote top-tier scholarship and enhance understanding of greater China and Asia.
Country:Hong Kong

Contact Information

Address:Hong Kong University Press, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Felix Cheung