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Language:Traditional Chinese
Author:葉兆輝、張鳳儀 編
Author Biography:葉兆輝,現任香港大學香港賽馬會防止自殺研究中心總監,香港大學社會科學學院副院長(研究)及香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系人口健康講座教授。 張鳳儀,現任認證心理輔導師,心理輔導督導及香港大學香港賽馬會防止自殺研究中心培訓顧問。
Profile:Hong Kong University Press publishes 74+ titles annually in English and Chinese, focusing on topics important to Hong Kong, Greater China, and Asia. They excel in various disciplines, including law, medicine, social work, film and media studies, literary studies, politics, economics, education, Chinese history and culture, and language and linguistics. The Press aims to promote top-tier scholarship and enhance understanding of greater China and Asia.
Country:Hong Kong

Contact Information

Address:Hong Kong University Press, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Felix Cheung