Sir Robert Ho Tung: Public Figure, Private Man
Synopsis:Sir Robert Ho Tung (1862–1954) is a compelling figure in Hong Kong history. He is regularly portrayed as the colony’s greatest philanthropist and wealthiest man of his day, the first Chinese to live on the Peak, and, at the end of his life, the ‘Grand Old Man of Hongkong’. This book shows him in all his immense variety—clerk with the Imperial Maritime Customs, chief compradore of Jardine Matheson, financial wizard, ...loyal British subject but also, paradoxically, Chinese patriot...
Author:May Holdsworth
Author Biography:May Holdsworth is a writer based in Hong Kong. Her previous books include Foreign Devils: Expatriates in Hong Kong, and The Palace of Established Happiness: Restoring a Garden in the Forbidden City. She is co-editor, with Christopher Munn, of the Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography (HKUP, 2012), and co-author with him of Crime, Justice and Punishment in Colonial Hong Kong: Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Gaol (HKUP, 2020).