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Memories of Old Macau: The Story of My Childhood
Synopsis:The author lived in the Portuguese colony of Macau when she was little. Through her childhood memories, it is possible to get a glimpse of the social and cultural facets of Macau in the 50s and 60s.The Macau of today has evolved from a plain, quiet and peaceful small town to an internationally renowned destination for entertainment, shopping and gourmet food. Luxury casinos and hotel resorts abound, with numerous popular tourist sites, recrea...
Author:Written By: Amy Lau Translated By: Gigi Lam and Dr Wai Man Chan
Author Biography:Amy Lau (Author) Amy Lau published her first book in Chinese in 1994 entitled: Chinese-Canadians: Thirty-Three Stories. In 2008, she published her second book in Chinese entitled: Looking Back: My Seven Years in Edmonton. Amy published her third book in Chinese entitled: My Childhood in Canton in 2017 and her fourth-book in Chinese entitled: in 2018 which was a four-time #1 Best Seller in Macau. The English Translation of this title was relea...
Profile:紅出版集團成立於2003年,每年為大學、商業機構、本地及海外作者出版百多本優質讀物。旗下擁有多個圖書子品牌:藍天圖書、青森文化、青鳥文化及圓桌文化等,各有不同的定位和目標,從生活百科到熱門的置業投資;從寫作新手到暢銷書作家。紅出版堅持為機構作者提供最有效的渠道宣傳推廣,助獨立作者實現作家夢,讓優質言論影響社會。 紅出版深信品牌塑造的力量,藉出色的圖文設計及獨到的策劃理念令優秀讀物得以吸引更多讀者。專業的出版團隊擁有豐富經驗打造暢銷書,旗下作者及出版物曾獲過百次傳媒報道。為打破地域界限,集團率先經營電子書業務,務求令書籍廣泛覆蓋市場。 踏入第21周年,出書量全港排名第五,每年為商業教育機構、本地及海外作者出版百多本暢銷讀物。 部分作者包括:陶傑、李純恩、古德明、養生達人嚴浩導演、金像獎導演陳德森、歌星潘迪華、奇女子狄娜、藝人喬寶寶、主持人Patrick Sir、麥明詩媽媽、樂隊KOLOR、閱文集團創始人寶劍鋒、暢銷作家middle、professor powpow、忌廉哥、爆數東尼、資深大律師陳志海、清洪、大律師潘展平、康泰旅遊創辦人黃士心、利嘉閣主席廖偉強、讀者文摘前總編馮強、醫學博士顧小培、美容達人Yoko Tsang、金融教授蘇偉文、投資專家江小魚、江恩小龍等。
Country:Hong Kong

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