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長者精神健康系列 Vol. 5:個案分享集 又越過高山又越過谷 (PB)
Synopsis:長者精神健康系列:個案分享集又越過高山又越過谷沈君瑜、姚國燐、張淑嫻、陳潔英、陳熾良、郭韡韡、黃麗娟、林一星著製作這本分享集的主要目的在於透過多個「賽馬會樂齡同行計劃」 中的個案分享,提供系統性的實務指引,協助服務長者的專業人士和各界人士,以實證為本的心理治療理論作為小組輔導的介入手法,從而改善有抑鬱徵狀長者的情緒。這本分享集收錄了多年來參與計劃的長者和社工在應用心理治療的歷程和心得,詳細介紹相關的心理治療介入手法。在此,我們衷心感 謝長者和社工的參與,並希望這本書能讓更多長者受益。
Language:Traditional Chinese
Profile:Hong Kong University Press publishes 74+ titles annually in English and Chinese, focusing on topics important to Hong Kong, Greater China, and Asia. They excel in various disciplines, including law, medicine, social work, film and media studies, literary studies, politics, economics, education, Chinese history and culture, and language and linguistics. The Press aims to promote top-tier scholarship and enhance understanding of greater China and Asia.
Country:Hong Kong

Contact Information

Address:Hong Kong University Press, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Felix Cheung