Sometimes my life is so funny
Synopsis:Ava最喜愛的事情就是畫畫。 她隨時隨身帶著她的畫本和筆,畫下能抓住她眼球的所有的事情。 她有一個長她4歲的哥哥,還有愛她比世界上任何事情都多的父母。 她用她幽默和天真的筆,記錄下一家人生活中的點點滴滴。 這本書,讓大家通過一個9歲女孩兒的眼睛,抓住生活中那些或許被忽略或錯或的瞬間。 請盡情享受Ava生活中那些甜蜜可愛的小故事吧! Ava’s favourite thing is to draw. She carries her sketch book and pen with her everyday. And she draws everything that catches her eyes. She has a brother who is 4 years older than her, and parents love her more than anything in the world. And she has a very hilarious and cute way to remember the day-to...
Author:Ava Li
Author Biography:Ava Li
Ava is a 9-year-old girl living in Hong Kong.
We have shared countless remarkable memories, whether they are ecstacy or unhappiness.
She is a creative and unique-minded person with borderless imagination and she translated all of these integral parts of our lives onto paper to create comics and drawings.
She has an unique vehmence for squishy objects, which I really don’t understand why.
— by Wuyan a(Ava’s brother)