Baking Essentials
Synopsis:Baking Essentials was written in collaboration with the Hong Kong Culinary Academy, with the mission to provide an easy and affordable way for beginners or people with limited resources to learn essential baking skills and develop their interest. Baking as a beginner can seem overwhelming, especially without access to special tools or classes, hence this cookbook is an accessible way for readers to kickstart their own baking journeys and build a solid foundation for all of their future...
Author:Grace Lee (Author)
Grace Lee & Law Yan Lam (Illustrators)
Author Biography:Grace Lee
Grace Lee is a 17-year-old IB student and the youngest awardee of the Diploma in Patisserie by the Hong Kong Culinary Academy in 2021 at 15 years old. She is also the founder of Bake A Change, a non-profit group that works with NGOs based in Hong Kong and aims to spread the joy of baking throughout the community. Learn more about her organisation at