All Kinds of Everything: From Chinese Civilization to World History (until 1912) 2nd edition (精裝本)
Synopsis:Do you know why there have been so many problems in various parts of the world? In furtherance of their colonial interests, British politicians from time to time wrote national borders for other peoples. They did so in the Balkans, in Africa and in the Middle East. They even drew the border between China and India. Such borders were very often not based on the conditions on the ground. This sowed the seeds of future conflicts. Open your eyes and be open-minded, learn history from different per...
Language:Traditional Chinese
Author:陳志海 (Warren Chan)
Author Biography:陳志海 (Warren Chan) LL B. (HK) Queen's Counsel Senior Counsel Honorary Fellow, University of Hong Kong Honorary Fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong Publication of Warren Chan 《古今中外:從中華文明看世界(第一冊:中華文明)》 《古今中外:從中華文明看世界(第二版)》 《All Kinds of Everything: From Chinese Civilization to World History (Vol 2: World History)》 《All Kinds of Everything: From Chinese Civilization to World History (until 1912) 2nd edition (精裝本)》