Custom Maid War for New World Disorder
Synopsis:Chock full of heretofore undisclosed facts from World War I, the Cold War, Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, Custom Maid War for New World Order explores in detail America’s nuclear and cyber options in future potential war swith either Iran or China. Custom Maid War spells out why the CIA and FBI can’t keep up with cyberterrorists.
Author:Peter Geoffrey de Krassel
Author Biography:Peter Geoffrey de Krassel has been professionally involved in representing American and Chinese corporate business interests in their efforts to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western cultures. He has been a resident of Hong Kong, Manila and Shanghai since 1989. He was married to a Shanghainese-born wife with whom he has a son born in Hong Kong. He lived with his first American-born wife in Los Angeles with their grown children before moving to Asia. As chief executive officer of a strategic consultancy, he has traveled extensively throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. He is the founder of trade publications focused on the cable and satellite business. He has also published and edited numerous articles on the media in Asia. His adolescence was spent traveling to areas of international conflict with his father David de Krassel, who was a correspondent with the BBC. His formal education took place mainly in Switzerland, Cyprus and Israel.