Basic Phonics Series - My First Phonics 2 (Book + CD)
內容簡介:Designed for children learning English as a second language easily and effectively, it teaches the sounds of consonant blends used at the beginning of words with the help of theme songs. The 98 Rhyming Families help children to look for patterns in words, and to read unfamiliar words. Children practice the sounds of 40 listening activities with the help of CD recorded by Sally Nicholls. It is also a picture dictionary with 249 words. For age 7-8.
作者:Wai Wai-ying
作者背景:美國Vanderbilt University George Peabody College圖書館管理學碩士。曾任中、小學英文教師,香港中文大學兒童文學課程兼任講師、香港小童群益會圖書館程序幹事、新雅總編輯、香港朗文雙語出版董事。青田教育中心創辦人、青田教育基金會教學顧問。2001年至2007年,在一津小進行「青田陽光英語綜合教學法」校本課程行動研究。著作包括Basic Phonics Series、Ready to Go English Grammar in Context Series, Ready to Go English Text Types Activity Book Series、Greenfield’s Dialogue Board Games、《少就是多 淺入深出--青田陽光英語綜合教學法實踐與反思》、《學好拼音》等。