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英語歌謠Follow Me 2 (Let's Sing Book 2)
內容簡介:本書選輯耳熟能詳的英美歌謠、韻文,讓孩童在歡唱之中自然熟記歌謠,提高學習英語興趣,訓練發音聽力,適合初學英文的學齡前及國小學童打造英語基礎。Music is the best medium for efficiently learning a language. Every rhyme in this series this book has a clear tempo. The music that goes with these rhymes is very pleasing to listen to. This book series has the following five features:1. Graduated Reading/Listening System2. Colored Phonic Symbols 3. Simple and Useful Words and Sentence Structures4. Interesting Skill-Based Exercises5. Fun With Music
作者:Claire Tsai
出版商背景:寂天文化成立於1998年,出版品項包含: ․英語學習:涵蓋會話、文法、閱讀及應用英文。 ․經典讀本:依學習程度編輯,中英對照。 ․日語學習:以活潑版面、精緻印刷呈現重點。 Main areas of books published by Cosmos Ltd.:: Books for English study: Our English books cover a variety of subjects, with contents including conversations, grammar, reading, and writing. World classic literature books with Chinese translations: Cosmos has chosen some classic literature books and translated them into Chinese. Books for Japanese study: Our lively layouts and colorful print appeal to readers.


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