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科技英文閱讀 & 練習(二版) English for Specialized Science and Technology
內容簡介:本書針對大專院校科技英文課程和理工及應外相關科系學生,特別精心撰寫。全書主題領域豐富多元,用字遣詞專業而富教育性,輔以彩色插圖,是最佳科技英文學習材料。English for Specialized Science and Technology is a textbook designed for students studying in science and technology related fields. Contained in this book are 46 chapters. Each chapter is an article that models a scientific or technical essay and is followed by several sets of exercises designed to help the reader identify vocabulary specific to scientific and technology writing.
作者:JoAnne Juett Ph.D
作者背景:JoAnne Juett,美國喬治亞大學(The University of Georgia)比較文學博士,學術專長為科技英文。她曾出版並發表跨學門研究與修辭學、宗教與科學語藝研究、數位科技、讀寫能力、敘事理論與性別研究等相關領域的論文,也寫過探討酷兒理論與電影的書籍。 JoAnne Juett graduated from University of Georgia with a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. JoAnne has been a director of Freshman English at University of Louisiana. She has taught Scientific and Technical Writing, Business Communications, Composition, Literature and Theory, Linguistics, and Humanities. She is now an assistant professor in English Department at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
出版商背景:寂天文化成立於1998年,出版品項包含: ․英語學習:涵蓋會話、文法、閱讀及應用英文。 ․經典讀本:依學習程度編輯,中英對照。 ․日語學習:以活潑版面、精緻印刷呈現重點。 Main areas of books published by Cosmos Ltd.:: Books for English study: Our English books cover a variety of subjects, with contents including conversations, grammar, reading, and writing. World classic literature books with Chinese translations: Cosmos has chosen some classic literature books and translated them into Chinese. Books for Japanese study: Our lively layouts and colorful print appeal to readers.


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