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Homage to Aert van der Neer 向阿爾特‧范‧德‧尼爾致敬
Synopsis:當代西班牙藝術家 Alberto Reguera 艾拔圖‧雷古拉 傾慕於十七世紀荷蘭畫家 Aert van der Neer 阿爾特‧范‧德‧尼爾 (1603–1677)名作《皓月河旁徑》,畫中黃昏月照使他迷醉不已;為了向這位荷蘭黃金時代名畫家致敬,便創作了二十三幅油畫。雷古拉這全新油畫系列源於對《皓月河旁徑》的研究,呼應著這名作、以及與范‧德‧尼爾同時期畫家在畫法上的成就。這次展覽及出版是香港大學美術博物館與雷古拉的第二次合作。第一次名為「藍色擴大風景」(2015),展出了他的平面和立體作品,展示了他怎樣把繪畫擴大到畫布以外的空間。「向阿爾特‧范‧德‧尼爾致敬」同樣是一個複雜的項目,由香港大學美術博物館、提森 - 博內米薩國家博物館,以及艾拔圖‧雷古拉本人三方伙伴合作促成。
Language:Multi Language
Author:Alberto Reguera 艾拔圖‧雷古拉
Author Biography:Alberto Reguera (Segovia, 1961) is a Spanish artist currently based in Madrid for whom travelling—across Spain and abroad—has become a way of life.
Profile:Hong Kong University Press was established in 1956, the Press has grown from a publisher of only a few titles, primarily studies done by the University’s own faculty, to one that releases up to 50 new titles a year from leading scholars around the world. All Press publications undergo a rigorous peer review process before they are accepted for publication. As a unit of HKU, Asia’s most prominent English-speaking university, we publish most of our books—especially our academic books—in English.
Country:Hong Kong

Contact Information

Address:Run Run Shaw Heritage House, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR
Contact Person:Felix Cheung