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Noda Tetsuya’s Diary of Contemporary Japanese Prints 野田哲也的日本當代版畫日記
Synopsis:野田哲也的成長階段正值日本戰後意識形態、社會、經濟和藝術經歷劇變的時代,受此影響,他在 1960 年代開始創作版畫日記,記錄其日常生活,憑著精湛的技術、以寫實精巧的形態把現實呈現出來。是次出版的作品有助讀者深入了解這位藝術家非凡手藝和色彩搭配,以及其情感豐富和謙和不矜的個性。甚少版畫家在技術方面會如此探奧索隱,亦鮮有在選題上如此明確。野田氏是當今日本藝壇最傑出的藝術家之一,「野田哲也的日本當代版畫日記」代表其對這項歷久彌新的藝術形式所長期積累的豐富知識及經驗,同時以真實的日記方式記錄每一件塑造其生活的事件,亦象徵野田氏同代人的集體經歷和見證過去幾十年的社會變遷。
Language:Multi Language
Author:Kuldip K. Singh 星家恩
Author Biography:Kuldip K. Singh was a researcher at the University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU, specializing in East Asian art and material culture.星家恩曾於香港大學美術博物館擔任研究員,專門研究東亞藝術和物質文化。
Profile:Hong Kong University Press was established in 1956, the Press has grown from a publisher of only a few titles, primarily studies done by the University’s own faculty, to one that releases up to 50 new titles a year from leading scholars around the world. All Press publications undergo a rigorous peer review process before they are accepted for publication. As a unit of HKU, Asia’s most prominent English-speaking university, we publish most of our books—especially our academic books—in English.
Country:Hong Kong

Contact Information

Address:Run Run Shaw Heritage House, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR
Contact Person:Felix Cheung