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Fun學英文簡報:商務簡報技巧&範例 Making Presentations in English
內容簡介:本書從準備、開場白、正式報告、論點總結到聽眾提問等大小環節,規劃出明確完善的成功簡報,讓你在各簡報場合和關鍵時刻都暢所欲言,絕不冷場!․In Phrases for Pre-Introduction Small Talk, you will learn the phrases of casual contact and small talk to break the ice before giving your presentation.․In Phrases for Presenting the Introduction, you should remember that your main objective is to introduce the subject. ․In Phrases for Presenting the Content, you can learn practical phrases which are placed into 15 categories.
作者:Ian McKinnon
作者背景:Ian McKinnon 加拿大瑞吉納大學(The University of Regina)畢業,主修英文,副修語言學。現於Acer任職,負責撰寫英文網站內容,描述產品內容和特色。在加拿大曾擔任英語新聞週報撰寫者和英文老師,在台北曾經擔任英文老師和作家,撰寫過旅遊文章以及技術文件和手冊。也曾經於公司教授簡報英語的課,非常了解英語簡報的技巧和內容。
出版商背景:寂天文化成立於1998年,出版品項包含: ․英語學習:涵蓋會話、文法、閱讀及應用英文。 ․經典讀本:依學習程度編輯,中英對照。 ․日語學習:以活潑版面、精緻印刷呈現重點。 Main areas of books published by Cosmos Ltd.:: Books for English study: Our English books cover a variety of subjects, with contents including conversations, grammar, reading, and writing. World classic literature books with Chinese translations: Cosmos has chosen some classic literature books and translated them into Chinese. Books for Japanese study: Our lively layouts and colorful print appeal to readers.


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