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教你看懂財經英文:一次掌握關鍵詞彙概念 Absolute Financial English: All the Basics You Need to Know
內容簡介:本書適合欲學習商業、財經英文的中高級學習者自修使用,內容廣泛涵蓋各類財經主題基礎知識,從關鍵字彙、專業會話、短文閱讀全面提升應用能力。The book provides learners with bountiful financial vocabulary and useful usages tailored to the topic of every section. By studying this book, learners can increase their knowledge of the financial industry. This book serves as a useful textbook as well as a self-study reference to help learners prepare for a career in finance and enable those working in the finance industry to improve their financial English.
作者:Curtis M. Revis Seubert
作者背景:Curtis M. Revis Seubert畢業於美國愛達荷大學(University of Idaho),主修文學創作(Creative Writing),副修商業學(Business),曾修習商業與經濟課程。於網路和圖書出版過無數小說及非小說類作品。現定居日本,從事寫作與英語教學事業。 Curtis M. Revis Seubert studied Business and Economics at the University of Idaho, eventually receiving a B.A. in Creative Writing with a minor in Business. His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in numerous publications, both online and print. He runs his own business in Japan, where he writes and teaches English.
出版商背景:寂天文化成立於1998年,出版品項包含: ․英語學習:涵蓋會話、文法、閱讀及應用英文。 ․經典讀本:依學習程度編輯,中英對照。 ․日語學習:以活潑版面、精緻印刷呈現重點。 Main areas of books published by Cosmos Ltd.:: Books for English study: Our English books cover a variety of subjects, with contents including conversations, grammar, reading, and writing. World classic literature books with Chinese translations: Cosmos has chosen some classic literature books and translated them into Chinese. Books for Japanese study: Our lively layouts and colorful print appeal to readers.


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