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食尚英語:職場餐飲英語 All About Food in English
內容簡介:本套書是主題豐富的餐飲英語書籍,包括生活飲食、餐旅飲食和職場專業餐飲。以常用句練習、情境對話、主題說明等單元,穿插豐富圖解,全面提升專業餐飲英語能力!Each lively dialogue simulates real day-to-day situations and demonstrates how to interact and communicate with others in simple and natural English. Learners will be able to find useful vocabulary and common expressions about food and socializing. They will also be given information about the dining cultures, eating etiquettes, customs, and table manners in different countries.
作者:Pei-Lin Lee/ lain Findlay Melville
出版商背景:寂天文化成立於1998年,出版品項包含: ․英語學習:涵蓋會話、文法、閱讀及應用英文。 ․經典讀本:依學習程度編輯,中英對照。 ․日語學習:以活潑版面、精緻印刷呈現重點。 Main areas of books published by Cosmos Ltd.:: Books for English study: Our English books cover a variety of subjects, with contents including conversations, grammar, reading, and writing. World classic literature books with Chinese translations: Cosmos has chosen some classic literature books and translated them into Chinese. Books for Japanese study: Our lively layouts and colorful print appeal to readers.


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